Thursday, January 28, 2010

Quick Update and a Random Thought

Well Roanoke has been freezing, wet, and muddy for the past two weeks. I have been able to actually take the horses out of their pastures ONCE in that amount of time. It's ridiculous. I took each of them out one at a time last Saturday, and everyone did relatively well. The main focus of my time with them was to allow each of them to get out, go for a walk, and get out of the pasture. During that time span, though, they were expected to be with me and focused on me. I took Teddy first and after having to gently bring him back to me a couple of times, and just allow him a minute to collect him and let him sit, and consistently ask him to keep his thought on me, and let go of his other worries, he did VERY well. He had a big release and walked calmly next to me, behind me, and driving beside me for the remainder of our time. He just needs time. Once you give him that, he's all ears for your ideas.
Woody was next, and I did have to remind him of the standard when in my presence a couple of times. He is not to eat grass uninvited (which I RARELY do), he is not to search me for treats, or give me any ugly looks (he can get in this groove where he'll walk behind you with an ugly face as if to be driving ME forward as we walk). But after some quick corrections, he was an angel. We went down the driveway and into the woods some, which was very fun.
I took Charlotte out quickly and all she really felt like she wanted to do was kick up her heels a bit. I put her on a circle and she went about trotting, shaking her head a bit, it was entertaining to watch. We then headed down the hill and to the drive a bit, and again she wanted to trot ahead. I had to place her back behind me a couple of times until she settled down, then she did fine.
Twice a day when I feed I always love on em, and sometimes (like today) when they're riled up and frisky they'll run around crazy and we'll play a bit. They get lots of attention, but it would still be nice to get back in the swing of things when it warms up a bit.

I had a random thought while I was out driving around town today. I was thinking of how I love synchronized dances (the cupid shuffle, the electric slide, the thriller dance, etc. etc.) and I was wondering how cool it would be if I could do one with my horse. The cupid shuffle is a simple dance that I am determined to teach Woody and perform horseback. It is merely "to the right, to the right..." (leg yield/sidepass to the right), "to the left, to the left" (leg yield/sidepass to the left) "now kick, now kick" (some type of spanish walk, lifting of the leg), then walking it out (basically turning on the haunches). I think that would be the coolest thing and would give Woody and I focus to work toward something. So, that is summer goal #1!

1 comment:

Kathy Baker said...

I hear ya about the crappy weather Eden! Though, you can get a lot done in a run-in shed or a stall for that matter. I worked Ari in the run in shed yesterday, out of the nasty weather and footing. I have done lots of suppling exercises in stalls too (even on top of a horse). Really the imagination is the limit. Happy Trails! (well sorta)