Friday, August 7, 2009

Well Well

Today I woke up early in order to get some horse time in before I have to work at 12. I went out at about 8:30 or 9 with the intention of trying to film our L2 Online Audition. I was not putting limits on myself or Woody, because that stresses me out. I told myself that this could just be a recorded play session, and I don't have to use it as my audition. Due to my round pen being under construction (we need to remove two trees and get footing), I had to stay in the pasture to film. Because of this, half way through taping none other than Teddy comes waltzing right in to camera and causing trouble. He knocked down part of the round pen and spooked Woody, but Woody recovered right away and got back on his pedestal and licked and chewed. That pony Teddy is such a little rascal. Ugh, it was funny though, and I think Parelli will find it humorous. With that said, I do believe I will be sending it in as my L2 online Audition because Woody and I both did really good. I am about to leave for work, but when I get back tonight I will put it to some music and post it. It is 16 minutes long, so I will have to cut the beginning and end. :( Oh well. Seeing as how I haven't done a Figure 8 pattern in 2 months and he trotted the pattern really nicely, I am quite happy. I am also looking forward to hearing feedback on my modified Circling Game. I walked, trotted and cantered him while moving with him, and I would like to see what the Parelli Team's feedback is. Anywho, I have to run, but we had a great session this morning with the vid and I rode him bareback with his halter all around the pasture afterwards at a nice walk and slow trot... WITH NO PUSHING THROUGH AND TAKING OVER! Sorry, but that is BIG for Woody. Over and out!!

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