Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mounted Leadership

Well both today and yesterday I have ridden Woody with GREAT success. Yesterday I went out in the pasture and sat and read a book for a bit. I then got Woody's halter, headed out to him, and just stood back in his zone 5. He got curious and turned around, sniffed me and the halter, and stood still while I rubbed him with it and haltered him. I then saddled him up and rode him. I rode by myself and worked on some long distance point to point stuff, and "walking the line" there and back (meaning drawing an imaginary line and if your horse goes off it just a bit, set him back on there... catching the first clue of his thought leaving the line). He did pretty good with that. We were doing this past the barn at one point and I could feel him speed up when heading in that direction, so as soon as I felt it, I asked him to stop and break that thought. After that, he went past the barn no problem. We also played with circling Teddy's old pen we kept him in the first couple days and working on the eyes, belly-button, leg, rein technique. I was trying to get him to turn and circle the pen without using my reins, and after a while of persisting he finally got to turn with my leg and without my rein. So, I stopped and let him rest. I also worked on transitions to get his trot more steady and not rushing.
Today I went out, played with Teddy first (he got his Parelli halter in yesterday) and mainly groomed him up nice and Friendlied him and also began playing the Yo-Yo Game. He is such a quick learner, and he has already got a good foundation of the first 3 games, just from asking him at Liberty to back up or drive him away. Anywho, I played with him a bit, then haltered Woody real easy and led him back to the barn. I brushed him really good, too, and curried him all over and scratched on him a lot. I saddled him up with our WW which is working FABULOUSLY, and played with him a bit. I worked on getting him to stay out on the circle, and to stay connected to me around this especially difficult turn where he wanted to mentally and physically leave. I persisted in gently pulling him back and reminding him, and he finally was able to stay with me. I was working on being really soft and polite, but not lying to him either.
I then spent a good bit of time bridling him because he kept wanting to leave. I asked him to bring his head around and lower it, then I began Friendlying his face with the bridle. After some time I got the bit in and I then played with his ears and got him ok with them being bent to put the crown piece over them. He did really well. I mounted up, and worked on some point to point all over the pasture while Mom saddled up. He was doing really well, and only had problems once when heading toward the barn, but I stopped him again and he was fine.
Mom and I rode together for a loooong time. At least an hour if not more. We did follow the leader, Mom hearded Teddy around with Charlotte helping, and we practiced going up and down the hills at walk, trot, and a canter twice!! He offered me this beautiful canter going up and I was ecstatic. We also did more of the eyes, belly-button, leg, rein exercise around the pen again, and that went really nicely. I can't believe how well Woody did. He is REALLY tuning into me and my energy, and I am able to do downward transitions without using the reins! I am working on our upward transitions and turning and such with using my focus and energy. I am on the right track for bridless riding!! :) He also didn't run down the hills but did a working walk. I am also working on isolating his different legs and moving them front his back. I can move his forehand with my reins and his hindend with my legs. I have been practicing different kinds of turns and rein positions, too, and he has been offering some really nice beginnings of turn on the haunches and forehand. AMAZING!!
Today I rode a part of our ride with my stirrups crossed over his neck to build my seat and legs and such, and he gave me this really nice slow trot, and honestly, I felt like I was doing dressage.
All in all, it is safe to say we have had an AWESOME last couple of days, and I definitely LOVE my saddle. Mom and Charlotte are improving, too, and I think it is good for both of us to ride more to strengthen our bodies, savvy, and confidence.
On another note, my family and I are discussing my plans for this coming September/October. As some may know, I was given VIP Gold tickets to the Parelli Celebration for my birthday. I have been looking forward to attending the conference because I have heard many great things about it, but other potential possibilities of education have sprung up sincemy birthday. The week before the Celebration in Lakeland FL, Harry Whitney will be having a horsemanship/bible camp clinic in Floyd, VA, about an hour away from my house. He has never been this close to Roanoke, and I feel it is an opportunity I want to and need to take advantage of. Therefore, the plan stands now that I will be taking Woody to Floyd for the week of Sept. 28 to October 3 and take place in this clinic. My mom has decided it would be best for me to have some learning time by myself, so she is not going to take Charlotte unless they need another rider in the clinic to make it possible. I will be staying up there for a week, and theplans are still coming together, but my mom is planning to come audit two or three days of the five. I am very excited about this outcome because although I would love to go to the Celebration, we cannot afford to miss almost two weeks away from my family. I think it would be more beneficial for my education as an eager upcoming horsewoman to spend a week one on one with Harry Whitney, than travelling 4 days to watch 3 days of a conference. I will update more on this plan when I know more.

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