Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, I got my Audition results and score card back this evening. I received a Level 2 rating Online, which is good because I passed. Granted, I was hoping and thinking I passed as a Level 2+, but it is what it is and I still passed so I can't complain. I scored a Level 4 in our Friendly Game! And we also scored in the Level 2+ and Level 2++ in some areas, so I was happy. The most important (to me) parts, meaning the rapport and draw, were scored as a level 2++ so that's good. As my mom said, it is not exactly a true reading because its not possible to take a 10 minute recording and rate your horsemanship and relationship from that accurately. What really matters is the awesome relationship I have with Woody and how far we have come in the last year. I am going to begin to try some Carrot Stick riding, and hopefully pass my freestyle Audition, and then I will have my blue string. I believe, from where I see my horsemanship now, that that will be enough for me. That doesn't mean I will stop advancing our horsemanship by ANY means, but it might/probably will be the end of my Audition career. I don't think my beliefs regarding some aspects of Parelli will allow me to continue into my Level 3 and 4 Auditions, but I will MOST definitely seek advancement and refinement from other areas. The most exciting at the moment is Harry Whitney. I am more excited now than ever about our upcoming clinic!!
Anywho, I do not want this post taken in a negative vent toward Parelli because that is NOT what it is at all. I believe the Parellis have a lot of knowledge and ideas that are wonderful. However, I am not going to be close-minded either. I am going to study and explore other areas that will take our horsemanship to a whole new level.
Here is the link to my scorecard!
**I am sorry, you will have to copy and paste the link into the bar to go there**


inchwormwv said...

Congratulations on 1/2 of your blue string! You are such a progressive and thoughtful horseman, it is fun to share your adventures through your blog. Tenley

Eden said...

Thanks Tenley! It is such a blessing to have people encouraging and supporting me on this crazy journey. Lol.

jeff said...

Hi Eden, you were very good. I don't think I totally agree with the judging but hey, you passed. I'm so proud of you that your eyes are opend to all things good for the horse. Cheers!