Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trying to Sweat

I just got back in from the barn and playing with Woody. I went out with the 22 foot line and halter and let him come up to me. He did, so I haltered him and we began. We did some leading because his following the feel was really sticky. Then we did some circles. He did really well at following my body language, especially at the walk. When I sped up and directed some energy toward his shoulder he went into a smooth trot. However, I found that when he trotted he tended to leak in toward me on the shoulder. I asked him to get his shoulder over back on the circle, and that worked a little bit. We then headed over to the hill and we worked on Yo-Yo and circling on the hill. He had a really strange walk going down the hill that I noticed, and I continued asking him to walk on the circle up and down the hill. His strange walk improved while he was going on the circle. When I asked for a trot, his shoulder began to come in again, especially going down hill, so I would ask him to push it over. Instead he broke into a canter. I figured I would keep asking going down the hill, and finally rather than breaking into the canter he put his shoulder over. We quit and headed over to the cones to do a Figure 8 pattern. He did ok at first with the pattern, but then he began to not go around the cones and I tried to keep him for cutting around it, but I couldn't We tried the other direction but it just wasn't working. I decided to quit because it wasn't getting better and we just moved on to leading again. He was really lagging in his feel. He improved, and then it began to thunder so I called it quits. I unhaltered him and asked him to push his ball around some. He really is learning to love playing with the ball. We played Stick to Me at Liberty back to the barn. He did well today and the main goal over the next month is to exercise him enough so he can lose some more weight before the clinic.

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