Monday, April 12, 2010

Much Needed Down Time

Unfortunately, I have not been able to spend a lot of time with the horses this past week. However, yesterday I did have a chance to spend take a break and visit with the horses. I attempted to halter Teddy, but he wanted nothing to do with it. All I wanted to do with him on the halter was give him a gooood brushing (he hasn't been brushed since the hot weather came and was shedding like crazy), so I figured I would try it at Liberty. I got all my grooming brushed, and all my lotions and potions, and set to work. He stood still the entire time, and when I was going over him with the shedding tool, I scratched a couple itches of him and he went wild. He was having a great time. He allowed me to shed his coat, curry him, brush him, detangle and comb his mane and tail, clean his hooves, polish his hooves, and spray Mane and Tail Shine On on his coat. He didn't move a muscle and took a little nap at one point. I was so proud of him, and myself for that matter for not forcing him to be haltered but adapting to fit his mood.

I then spent some time haltering Woody, and after a couple minutes of following him a round and re approaching him, he allowed me to halter him and cooperated. Mom and I took Charlotte and him under the big oak tree (in the shade.. it was hot!) and ground tied them while we groomed them. Woody really enjoyed me using the shedding tool on him, and I even got a couple of his itches, too. I did everything I did to Teddy with him, and he didn't move an inch. He, too, took a nap. I then took him back to the barn and unhaltered him. It was good down time for us both, and I think he really enjoyed himself.


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