Monday, November 9, 2009

In Peak Form...

... mentally, emotionally, and physically. Mom and I decided to go riding yesterday since there was a break in the cold weather and it was gorgeous outside. We caught our horses (both very easily), groomed them, and saddled up. I have been practicing our ground tying still with Woody. So far, once we get past the initial "I need to eat hay, I need to eat the brushes, I need to sniff the walls, etc etc," I can put the belly of the rope on the ground and he stands still and relaxed. He just has to be reminded a few times that his job is to stand still, and he doesn't need to preoccupy himself with all this other stuff, he can be ok with just standing relaxed.
Once I tacked up, I got his bridle and worked on bridling him. I always put my hand over his head and ask him to lower it and bring it bent around me. Once he got in this position, I would put the bridle in the hand over his head, and slip the bit in. I would insist he keep his head in that position until I had to move to put the headstall over his ears. He would try to walk forward, so I would ask him to back up. Eventually he accepted the bit nicely and did well with it.
I mounted up after playing a little bit with following the feel in the lead rope to walk and trot behind me, and off we went! We played in the play area  a bit while Mom mounted up doing things like jumping the barrels, touching cones, sidewaysing down the fence, and going on the mattress, then backing off of it. We also closed a gate, and I was really happy that he leg yielded over to the gate when I asked.
Mom and I then headed over to the house to meet my dad with our dog to go for a walk. We went down the driveway, then over to the hay field where Woody and I walked, trotted, cantered, galloped up a hill, and did some figure 8's around two round bales of hay. I asked for him to trot the figure 8, and eventually he settled into and started bending around my leg in the turns. There was a long straight stretch, so I asked for a canter, and he gave me a really nice, relaxed canter immediately without any resistance, COOL!
We then went to the driveway and walked up to the end and then back down. Mom and I split up for a little bit and I went back in the hay field to walk down a steep hill. Then we met back up and continued heading back to the house through the hayfield.
We also went through the yard a bit, and Mom and I had a nice canter together on both of the horses. We then headed back, and put them in the round pen, along with Teddy, while we sorted out some hay issues.
We had SO much fun, and I was very aware of the fact that Woody was totally in sync with my body and energy. For the most part, he came down with me in downward transitions with my body, and when he didn't I would use the reins a little bit. His thought was easily influenced and he was willing to give it up and rely on my thoughts. He was freely forward, ready to go when I asked, and was brave and trusting when my dog would pop out as we cantered along. He didn't waver, and he really has improved drastically (I like to think my changes have something to do with this... haha). When I pointed him toward the jump he would get a little crooked, but I lined him up and he thought of nothing except jumping that jump. I made a joke as we trotted across the hay field towards Mom and Charlotte that I have cured my pony.  He came right out of that trot into a forward walk with my body slowing down and walking. She then made a comment, "Onto fixing Teddy!" But, there is truth in that statement because I feel like I need to start focusing more on him because some of his issues are becoming more prominent, such as his fear of the flag.

I also would like to quickly write about another session I had with my Woody. I took him out on the 12 foot line, and we played a sort of Stick-to-Me type game. I asked him to stay up with me at his shoulder, and I would point him towards different objects I wanted him to touch. We went all around the yard with this game. The two things I was focusing on was his forwardness with him being more snappy on the departure, and also I focused greatly on his keeping his head, neck, and shoulder AWAY from me and NOT pushing into me. This is just another manifestation of that is so greatly exemplified at the trailer. I had to tell him pretty strongly a couple of times that that shoulder needs to GET OUT OF MY SPACE, and I saw improvement in him with him pushing. I also made sure I practiced turning him away from me with driving zones 1 and 2.
After we played this game a bit we had a big bridling session where I again insisted he keep his head in that headset, and if he walked off, I would back him up. He eventually was really nice, accepting, and relaxed when I slipped the bit in his mouth. I then played with mounting from the fence, and I asked for him to line up me on both sides, just so we can practice being equally ok on both sides.
We then rode all around the property completely bareback, which I have never done on him. He did wonderful though, and I would keep him on a loose rein, then bring in the reins and ask for a soft feel. I have noticed that he carries his head nice and level now, which is always a good sign. We only walked on this ride, but it was still fun, relaxing, and a good opportunity to work on our working walk.
Now with Woody so in tune and willing, the sky's the limit...

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