... that one has a plan B ready the second their leader doesn't have a purpose and the other doesn't. Guess which one I am lucky enough to have as my partner? That's right, Woody ALWAYS has a alternate plan ready for when I am not riding with a purpose. I was reminded of this truth today as Mom and I were riding around the field bareback in our halters. Woody kept pushing through the halter at "random" times to go run into Charlotte, and this really puzzled me. But, after pausing and observing what I was doing to cause him to act this way, I realized he did when I was not paying full attention to him and/or not having a SPECIFIC plan, focusing on it, and being clear in my communication of this plan to him. Once I became conscious of this, and I began focusing and communicating it to him as clearly as possible, guess what? The problem went away. Following that breakthrough, we had a great ride. He trotted several times really nicely, stood on the pedestal, walked the fence line, and walked over some logs, too. I just NEED to be aware that my horse is one that has ideas and plans. And when I don't have my ideas straight, formed into a plan, and communicated in a way he can understand, he will take over. As Harry would say he is "one committed little pony."
After we rode around for a long while, we let them go and encouraged them to play some, because during our entire ride, Teddy would come galloping up to us trying to start stuff with the horses. He was in such a playful mood, we didn't want him to feel left out, so the three horses ended up running, bucking, and chasing after one another for a good while.
As for the previous week, I have had a couple good sessions with Woody. Yesterday Mom and I went out to say hi and give the horses some watermelon (pictures above), and Woody seemed really cranky. I tried playing with him some, but his attitude wasn't getting any better so I decided to quit. Later that day though I went back out, and when I fed the horses their carrots I noticed Woody being particularly evil to Teddy. This caused me to think that he was grouchy because he was hungry (which happens when he is hungry... need I remind you of the Cookie incident?), so I put on his halter and threw out some hay for them to eat. We hung out for a bit, then once he finished eating, I took him outside for a walk (this was my original intention, but because he was hungry I set him up for success by feeding him before we went out so he wouldn't be so focused on the grass). He did really nicely, and Mom joined us in our little walk, too.
All in all, all the horses are doing well. I am hoping to go out with Mom in the morning and work on Woody's trailer loading a bit more, and she's coming along to possibly offer some helpful insight as she always does.
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