Monday, September 21, 2009


In the last several days I have been having trailer loading sessions with Woody in preparation for leaving for Floyd on Monday (Only one week away!!). The whole thing started out well, and now seems to be progressively getting worse, which is backwards of what it should be. Anyhow, I consulted Terrie about Woody's growing apprehension about going in the trailer, and she is going to come out on Friday morning and help me work with getting him confident in the trailer. Thank goodness for Terrie!
On top of preparing for the trailer, I have begun to make a list of all the things I'll be taking with me. I can't believe it is only one week away, I am SOOO stoked and excited!!! The family hosting the clinic and the people arranging everything have been so accommodating, offering Woody full turnout and the use of a stall also. I have a feeling that I am going to be more nervous about being away from everyone than Woody is.
Along with spending 5 days with Harry Whitney, I am also preparing to go audit a Buck Brannaman clinic for two days in October. He is a legend and the mentor of many great horsemen, so I severely doubt he will dissapoint.
Also, my mom has recently contacted Kathleen Lindley, a woman who apprenticed with horseman Mark Rashid, has written two books, and has a backround and interest in hunter jumper style riding (my default/preferred style). We are going to audit two days of her clinic, and while there she is going to talk to Mom and I about a future internship program for me. She focuses of jumping, foxhunting, and dressage I believe, and I am so excited about meeting her and spending time with her. She offers an internship program for the winters in South Carolina, so hopefully I will be able to take part in one in the future. I am currently reading her book, In the Company of Horses, and she really emphasizes seeing things from the horse's point of view and how to build lasting relationships with them. Her website is really neat ( and there is a section that talks about her principles of horsemanship. I am really excited to meet her and watch her work at the clinic.

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