Monday, August 31, 2009

A Video



Kathy Baker said...

Hey Roomie! That was a nice video! LOL, are you gonna be able to stand roomin' with someone older than your cool Mom?

You know, I think you have good taste in music, because your blog is the only young person's blog I do not immediately mute their music!

I am gettin' excited about our time with Harry! Wahoo. Woody looks good btw!


Eden said...

Hey Kathy! Thanks for watching the video! And YES, I am SOOO excited about the Harry clinic and roomin' with you! Thanks for the music compliment, haha, that's nice of you. Woody and I both thank you for the compliment to Woody. We've been working hard to lose weight, and I think he is DEFINITELY on the right track. You'll see for yourself soon! I can't believe it's only 10 days away!
See you soon Roomie!